A Caring Touch: Massage Therapy

Monday, April 30, 2007

Massage for the Bride

Spring springs. As the sun shines warmer, the days get longer, trees bud, flowers open, and the world is bathed in a hundred shades of green and brilliant, vibrant colors. In the midst of all this beauty that nature provides, few can argue that nothing is more beautiful than a bride on her wedding day. She could almost be like something found in nature; pink cheeks, rosy lips, not a hair out of place, breezing through the best day of her life with an air of calm and confidence, the whole time beaming with a radiant glow.

Little does anyone know that only a short time earlier, this perfect, delicate flower of a woman was stressed out, barely sleeping, hardly eating, no time to let a brush near her hair, and snapping at every little thing. Yes, the dark reality of any wedding is that planning one is no walk in the park. Between all the deadlines, appointments, and decisions, a bride can find that her last concern is how she looks, and even worse, how she feels. Stress can cause many health problems. Tight shoulders, sore neck, stomach problems, insomnia, anxiety, and pain are all the last things a busy bride-to-be wants to deal with. Even if she gets through all of the planning and arrangements unscathed, she still needs to treat herself so that she can be her best for her big day. Among all the must-dos that must be done before a wedding, one often overlooked must for the bride-to-be is a simple massage.

Massage has had many perceptions over time. Some think that it is only good for relaxation and pampering while some others believe it is a harsh and rough therapy used to treat injuries. In actuality, it is both and more. Massage can allow someone to calm down, clear their mind, and unwind tight, stressed out muscles, plus it feels good enough to be used as a treat. Most massage therapy practices will offer a simple, basic, “Swedish” or “Relaxation” Massage. These are usually simple, straightforward massages designed to simply allow the body to relax and feel good. There isn’t usually any complicated, intricate or extremely deep work, just long gliding stroked and gentle kneading movements that relax muscles in spasm and release troublesome knots. For a stressed out or busy bride, a simple massage like this is all she would need to put a fine closure on her busy running around before she slows down to enjoy the fruits of her labor.

However, to further enhance her massage experience, the bride-to-be may want o upgrade her simple massage with day spa treatments. Many places that offer massage also may offer day spa services such as facials, pedicures, aromatherapy treatments, glazes, and body wraps. These enhancements not only make the massage more of a treat, they can also have health benefits as well. A facial can leave the face with a radiant glow by drawing out oils and dirt which can cause blemishes. Foot treatments can sand down calluses and make feet soft and pretty to be shown off in those open-toed shoes. Body wraps and glazes serve to soften and detoxify the skin so that the whole body has a smooth, healthy, radiance.

Now with all these fun and beneficial options, there is no reason to keep them all for the bride alone. The whole bridal party can also benefit. A Massage or Spa Party is a great way to have fun with all the bridesmaids, and just about anyone else. Some massage practices or spas will have accommodations and special rates for an entire bridal party to receive massages all at once, or a Massage Therapist provide simpler individual massages in conjunction with another even such as the shower or bachlorette party in the location of the party’s choice. Spa Parties are also growing in popularity. There are three main ways that a Spa Party usually happens. First, a spa may reserve a block of space or time for a whole group to go in and receive treatments all at once. Next, a therapist can come to a home or other location bringing their treatments with them so that the group doesn’t have to worry about travel. The final option is for the hostess(es) to purchase spa products for the guests, and everyone does treatments themselves. The thing to watch out for with this option is to be careful about the quality of the products purchased and make sure that those doing the treatments know what they are doing otherwise the treatments could potentially do more harm than good. Every Spa Party will vary as far as services done, products used, where it is done, and how much it costs, Sometimes the price is determined per person, sometimes a group rate is given. What is best depends on what the group wants.

Massage is very mainstream and can be beneficial for everyone, however when it comes to brides, there are a couple of precautions that should be taken. A bride wants to be relaxed on her wedding day, so she may consider getting her massage either the day before or the day of the wedding. This is not a good idea. If someone isn’t used to having regular massage, and even if they are, massage can sometimes leave her either a little sore or as limp as a wet noodle – something no bride wants to feel like while standing at the altar. The massage appointment should be made at least a week before the wedding to make sure there is time to recover from any residual effects and she can feel like herself. Spa services are the same. Even with the best products and the best technicians, those facials which make your face glow so brilliantly may also cause a mild breakout. Plucked or waxed eyebrows could take a few days to de-sensitize and loose their redness. Even if things like this has never happened in the past, remember that there are other factors such as stress and possibly an altered diet involved, so the body is more likely to do something unusual at this time. To be safe, all spa treatments, with the possible exception of manicures and pedicures should be done a minimum of a week to 2 weeks before the wedding. Leaving the extra time for these services ensures that if any small thing adverse were to happen, there is time to fix it or let it heal before the bride needs to look her best.

Indeed, planning a wedding is stressful and can cause a bride to become uncomfortable, sore, and miserable which adds to her stress and creates a downward spiral which will make her exhausted on the big day and less likely to enjoy herself. A bride does her best to ensure that her special day is perfect in every way. She makes sure her guests will be happy, the music will be enjoyable, the food tasty, and the flowers colorful and vibrant. With all that she does to create the perfect day, she needs to be rewarded for her hard work. So despite her busy schedule, a bride needs to take some time out for herself in order to make her as perfect as the perfection that surrounds her.

Coming Next Time......The Power of Touch

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