A Caring Touch: Massage Therapy

Friday, July 03, 2009

Welcome Back

I started this blog several years ago with the goal of providing information about Massage Therapy and its benefits, but I have let it fall by the wayside. Now after some major life and professional changes, I have decided to bring it back to continue the original mission, and will be making some interesting changes. In addition to articles that I write, I will also be including articles written by other massage professionals. This will give another look or side to some things that you may hear about often, and will allow me to provide information about topics in which I may not be the most expert of experts. (Hey, knowing and accepting my limits is a strength, right?)

Another part of the mission of this blog is to spread understanding and education about Massage Therapy, so if, while reading any articles, suddenly realize that you know someone who may benefit from some of the provided information, please feel free to forward the information to them or contact me for more information on anything.

So feel free to peruse the articles that I have previously written in the past, and stay tuned for more interesting articles to come!

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